Saturday, February 20, 2010


today i was surfing the net around for food and i bumped into a shortbread recipe involving non-dairy butter. now wait a second.. unless you meant non-diarrhee, which i totally understand, if it's non-dairy it's not butter. period.
said that, either you're a poor soul who is intolerant to lactose so i truly feel for you and understand your try.. or i dont really get the point of wanting to eat shortbread, out of all the cookies in the world, without using real butter. it's like making crepes without using actual egg.

i'm not a fat cooking maniac, but when i lived in finland i used to be bewildered in front of the tons of weird margarines piled up in the supermarket fridge. that's crap more than butter, if you dont want to use dairy fat just stick to oils for food's sake.


vanilla caramel black tea and shortbread leaves with homemade strawberry compote, fresh strawberries and mint leaves

black rice risotto with salmon filet, white sesame and coriader seeds

corn flour and lemon zest pudding

Monday, February 15, 2010