Thursday, February 14, 2008

carpets and cookies

well today i threw my 2 ikea carpets in the washing machine, same exact way i did the last 4 times.. i wonder why the bright yellow one this time came like this O_o
i suppose now i prefer to have green bubbly carpets in my bathroom LOL

i'd like to thank all those who sent me some valentine.. i'm way too bad at festivities but i appreciate when friends spend a thought and some nice words for me :)

this evening headache finally left me! in the last days i was out a lot and this very windy and moist weather slaps my sinuses and make me feel like i've been hit in the skull with a shovel :P

i made these wondrous cookies today.. it was an experiment but it turned out definitely good! so here is the recipe :D they're quite quick to make and the result has been appreciated by those who ate them today.. i guess it's the magic of coffee + chocolate ^^

coffee and almond cookies (makes 20)

1/2cup softened butter
1/4cup powdered sugar
2tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1tsp vanilla or hazelnut flavor
1/2cup ground almonds
1tbsp ground coffee
1tbsp ground dark chocolate

preheat oven at 165°C
beat butter, powdered sugar and cocoa powder in a mixing bowl with a mixer until combined. beat in vanilla flavor and ground coffee. stir in flour, ground almonds and chocolate.
shape dough into small balls and slightly flatten them. place the cookies on ungreased cookie sheets and bake in preheated oven for about 15min. let cookies cool on wire racks.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

update i tried in vain to post on my website :)

i know i know it's been way too long from last one.. but first i had some matters with the domain (or whatever, i get a half of these things LOL) then i've been pretty busy here (yep sounds incredible but sometimes i do have something to do up here ehehehe) btw i'll try to update quickly about what i've been doing then i'll hopefully manage to upload some new recipes (ah i forgot to say my external hd fucked up with all my html files in it ò_O ergo i have to retype the few recipes i had "queued" to upload :)

talking about food, as always i've made some sweet stuff :D i got a wondrous magazine all about cookie recipes and these dark choco dipped cocoa-coffee stars are my fav atm :)

this apple and cinnamon tart was just an experiment.. no precise doses but some good luck it seems, it was just luscious :D i've also been trying some chip cookie recipes, i'm very fond of buttery chip cookies but i seem to never find a good one.. they're never buttery enough and they always look ugly, whatever i mix ehehehe

i made tiramisu several times LOL this firmly keeps on being my fav dessert ever so i cant resist more than 3weeks without making at least a couple of glasses of it, better if it's a tin ^^

of course i dont live of sweet food only.. so sometimes i find myself making some delicious sandwitch :)

i also tasted some strange (tropical?) fruit.. here you find such kind of fruits quite often and i'd never seen some of them before O_o here a cut dragon fruit or pitaya i guess it was the funniest one..

nothing to remember about the taste though :P

and last but not the least, the fruit monster, the fruity anemone, the uncutable beast *drum rolls* the legendary pomelo :D myth narrates it's a sort of chinese grapefruit.. we think it's a scary giant mix between a mandarin and a pomegranate LOL

it came a bit long and all about food O_o so for the moment i'm done, but i'll update with some of the pics mom and sis took around here last week and some other stuff i've been doing lately :)

first post!

here i am! i'm still struggling with my website.. there are some few matters i havent been able to solve about it yet so i cant update it for the moment :P anyway i hope i'll manage to asap!

let's see if i can be steady at least on updating this blog :D